Welcome to West Virginia Land Brokers
Trust the Experts at West Virginia Land Brokers
West Virginia Land Brokers specializes in representing landowners when they want to sell their land. We at West Virginia Land Brokers take pride in being West Virginia’s only full-spectrum land brokerage. This means that we represent families with the sale of a single building lot, developers wanting to sell finished or entitled sites, investors who own land capable for developed into an industrial park or retail center, lenders selling a partially completed subdivision, and of course farmers selling agricultural land.
If you own land, we are here to represent you when the time comes to sell your landholdings. We offer a free Broker’s Opinion of Value on any land parcel, as well as our expert guidance in the most effective way to market your property.
We, at West Virginia Land Brokers are the area’s land experts. If you have land that you want to sell, we are here to help. We are able to advise on so much more than simply the value of your acreage. Have a question, call us, let’s talk 866-910-LAND.
West Virginia Land Brokers, is led by Stephen J. Ferrandi, who has a MS in real estate from Johns Hopkins University, has been a member of the Realtor Land Institute for twenty years and has sold nearly a billion dollars worth of real estate since 1997.
West Virginia Land Brokers is the trusted resource for owners, farmers, families, lenders, institutions, developers and builders, when its time to sell their landholdings. Landowners love us, you will to.
West Virginia Land Brokers, LLC | 126 E. Burke Street, Suite 19 | Martinsburg, WV 25401
“Under All Is the Land”
This first sentence from the code of ethics of the National Association of Realtors is the foundation of our land practice. We know that before first spade of dirt is turned for any land development project, years’ worth of critical decisions have been considered and made.
The land experts at West Virginia Land Brokers can assist sellers and purchasers in making those decisions--from completing a market analysis of a property, to determining the value of a land parcel, through obtaining easements, up-zoning. Once a property is ready to go on the market, we deploy our robust marketing program, which covers traditional and digital advertising, plus our vast network of connections including all of the areas active land development firms, homebuilders, and end users. When the offers arrive, we guide our clients through what can be an emotional and trying time with steady, expert guidance. You can rest assured you’ll get top results, and personal timely service that will make your time selling your land a profitable pleasure.
Landowners love us, you will too!

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Houses of Worship
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Some of the Sevices We Provide
Land Brokerage
Land Development
Free Opinion of Value
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